J2_Welcome_LogoBlue Agricultural Resources

Births this year:
Deaths this year:
Amount Lost: (ha) *since Jan 1999

Note: World population is complex. The United Nations says it is likely that our population reached eight billion in late 2022, but some algorithms from other credible sources like this counter have not reached eight billion yet.

General Topics: Facts

Soils Sustain Life

Soil is one of the four things we cannot live without. Soil, Water, Air and Sunlight are needed for all life as we know it. Soils cover the upper crust of the earth. This video series, produced by SSSA, will introduce you to the important topic of soils as a precious natural resource.

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Speed of Technology

There is a need for more crops, but harvesting more crops would take up more time. However, thanks to advancements with technology. It now takes about 9 seconds to harvest enough wheat to make 70 loaves of bread.

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Sustainable Cattle

Sustainable cattle production means that farmers need to raise more beef using fewer resources. Use this resource to learn about sustainable cattle raising practices.

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98% of Farms are Family Farms

Did you know?

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Desertification and Cattle

Over 2/3 of our grasslands are subject to desertification says Allan Savory. He has devoted his life to studying desertification, and stopping it. Watch this video to discover how Allan proposes to green the world’s deserts and reverse climate change.

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