Crop Nutrient Calculator
Did you know that all crops require 17 nutrients to grow?
Or that different crops remove different amounts of nutrients from the soil when harvested?
Note: World population is complex. The United Nations says it is likely that our population reached eight billion in late 2022, but some algorithms from other credible sources like this counter have not reached eight billion yet.
Did you know that all crops require 17 nutrients to grow?
Or that different crops remove different amounts of nutrients from the soil when harvested?
Check out this vertical hydroponic shipping container – called the Leafy Green Machine (LGM).
Use Canola as a great example of an agriculture success story! Curriculum-based lesson plans and facts are prepared specifically for grade 7-9 students to pick up and discuss how canola plays a role in sustainable agriculture. Everything is provided in these free resources!
Canola was first developed in Canada; hence, the name ‘Can’ stands for Canada and ‘Ola’ stands for Oil.
Use these FREE, curriculum-based resources to learn about a leading oil seed that produces food for us, feed for livestock and fuel for our vehicles!