Grain Buyer and Exporter
Meet Blayne! He’s a grain buyer and exporter, and he would love to tell you more about his job.

Job Description: I purchase grain from grain elevators and sell it to processing plants who turn the grain into other products. I have customers who are local and others who live across the world from me. I basically the ‘middle men’ between the farmer and the processor.
Unique Part of the Job: I constantly monitor grain inventory levels and previous year’s sales records. I am constantly watching the marker for any news that might impact the global supply and demand of grain. I’m an expert in international trade and work with customers all over the world to find them a reliable supply of high quality grains – at the lowest possible price.
You Help Feed the World by: Keeping the grain moving. Once it is off the field I step in to help connect business that are need the grain to produce products that are sold in the grocery store and some that are sold right back to the farm (such as livestock feed).
Learn More: and
Note: This profile is from a real person in the agricultural industry. No image was available at the time of submission so this image is a placeholder model.